User:Alex Zaitsev


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ALEXANDER N. ZAITSEV, SENIOR RESEARCH SCIENTIST IZMIRAN, Institute of Terestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow region, 142190, RUSSIA Specialized professional competence: - space physics, geomagnetic storms, satellite communications, free lance writer and educator. Representative research and development assignments: - Analysis of geomagnetic disturbances and ionospheric current systems with emphasis on high latitudes in Arctic and Antarctic; - Development and implementation of experiments on Yamal peninsula, Western Siberia, as international program "Geomagnetic Meridian Project", 1972-1991, and geoecological monitoring system based on NOAA/METEOR data receiving station, 1995-2000; - Development of and participation in the Soviet-American experiment to collect geomagnetic data in real time via geostationary ATS-6 satellite at 1975-1976; - Development of scanning riometer system including special receiver and DCP system at 1989-1991; - Evaluation study of LEO satellite systems for real-time geomagnetic data collection and processing based on GONETZ, GLOBALSTAR and ORBCOMM;

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