2nd Science Planning Meeting in Toulouse, France
July 23, 2005
- Sunanda Basu speaks on the progress of CAWSES -Presentation-
- Lesley Gray speaks on Theme 1 -Presentation-
- Janet Kozyra speaks on Theme 2 -Presentation-
- K. Shibata speaks on Theme 2 -Presentation-
- Joan Alexander speaks on Theme 3 -Presentation-
- Franz-Josef Lübken speaks on Theme 3 -Presentation-
- Jan Sojka speaks on Theme 4 -Presentation-
- Nat Gopalswamy speaks on the International Heliophysical year,
United Nations Basic Space Sciences, and CAWSES -Presentation- - D. Pallamraju speaks on STP-11. -Presentation-
CAWSES Office, Center for Space Physics, Boston University, 725 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215 USA; Phone: 617/353-5990; FAX: 617/353-6463;