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Name | User | Size | Description | Versions |
07:27, 18 November 2013 | TG3-SG2_rep1.pdf (file) | Shimojo | 630 KB | 1 | |
00:53, 15 November 2013 | TG3-SG5_rep.pdf (file) | Shimojo | 364 KB | 1 | |
00:02, 15 November 2013 | TG3-SG7_rep.pdf (file) | Shimojo | 245 KB | 1 | |
13:29, 13 November 2013 | TG4_newsletter_issue13.pdf (file) | Joberh | 3.21 MB | (Newsletter #13, November 2013) | 1 |
07:48, 13 November 2013 | TG3-SG5_rep1.pdf (file) | Shimojo | 271 KB | 1 | |
07:47, 13 November 2013 | TG3-SG2_rep.pdf (file) | Shimojo | 498 KB | 1 | |
04:52, 13 November 2013 | TG3_report_rev2.pdf (file) | Shimojo | 1.48 MB | 1 | |
04:44, 13 November 2013 | TG3-SG4_rep.pdf (file) | Shimojo | 29 KB | 1 | |
04:38, 13 November 2013 | TG3-SG3_rep.pdf (file) | Shimojo | 1.12 MB | 1 | |
06:41, 13 August 2013 | CAWSES-II_Overview.pdf (file) | T.Tsuda | 1.02 MB | 1 | |
22:47, 10 July 2013 | TG4_newsletter_issue12.pdf (file) | Joberh | 2.91 MB | (TG4 newsletter issue 12, July 2013) | 1 |
22:58, 31 March 2013 | TG4_newsletter_issue11.pdf (file) | Joberh | 1.53 MB | (Issue 11 of the TG4 newsletter, April 2013) | 1 |
12:52, 1 November 2012 | TG4_newsletter_issue10.pdf (file) | Joberh | 1.52 MB | (10th newsletter) | 1 |
15:00, 2 August 2012 | Minutes_final.pdf (file) | Joberh | 58 KB | (Minutes of the TG4 business meeting at COSPAR 2012.) | 1 |
19:23, 6 July 2012 | TG4_newsletter_issue9.pdf (file) | Joberh | 2.52 MB | (Volume No 9, July 2012) | 1 |
12:55, 3 April 2012 | TG4_Newsletter_issue8.pdf (file) | Joberh | 2.33 MB | (8th issue of the TG4 newsletter, 3 April 2012.) | 1 |
22:24, 20 January 2012 | COSTEP_LOGO_240.gif (file) | Gary.thomas | 6 KB | 1 | |
13:44, 18 January 2012 | Chibis_Info_2012-Jan-1.pdf (file) | Joberh | 51 KB | (Summary of Russian Chibis microsatellite and collaboration information) | 1 |
16:05, 16 January 2012 | TG4_Newsletter_issue7.pdf (file) | Joberh | 2.52 MB | (7th TG4 Newsletter, January 2012) | 1 |
12:55, 24 October 2011 | TG4_newsletter_issue6.pdf (file) | Joberh | 1.76 MB | (TG4 Newsletter #6, Oct. 24, 2011.) | 1 |
13:04, 11 July 2011 | TG4_IUGG_R.pdf (file) | Joberh | 1.11 MB | (TG4/Project 5 report given at IUGG 2011) | 1 |
12:54, 22 June 2011 | TG4_newsletter_issue5.pdf (file) | Joberh | 1.45 MB | (5th issue of the TG4 Newsletter, June 22, 2011.) | 1 |
15:30, 26 March 2011 | TG4_Newsletter_issue4.pdf (file) | Joberh | 4.03 MB | (4th issue of the TG4 newsletter, March 26, 2011.) | 1 |
13:38, 12 January 2011 | TG4_newsletter_issue3.pdf (file) | Joberh | 4.43 MB | (3rd issue of TG4 newsletter, January 2011) | 1 |
04:17, 1 November 2010 | NLC_UK_Denmark.png (file) | Gary.thomas | 121 KB | (Noctilucent clouds observed from the UK and Denmark – trends and variations over 43 years) | 1 |
03:58, 1 November 2010 | Pertsevfig_1.png (file) | Gary.thomas | 551 KB | (Noctlilucent cloud frequency residuals (after the subtraction the variation correlated with the La flux) of the normalized NLC frequency) | 1 |
03:51, 1 November 2010 | Pertsevfig_1small.jpg (file) | Gary.thomas | 9 KB | (Noctilucent cloud residuals (after the subtraction the variation correlated with the La flux) of the normalized NLC frequency.) | 2 |
00:54, 1 November 2010 | Pertsevfig_1small.pdf (file) | Gary.thomas | 1.15 MB | (Noctlilucent cloud frequency residuals (after the subtraction the variation correlated with the La flux) of the normalized NLC frequency) | 1 |
00:28, 1 November 2010 | Pertsevfig_1.jpg (file) | Gary.thomas | 306 KB | (NLC residuals (after the subtraction the variation correlated with the La flux) of the normalized NLC frequency) | 1 |
14:34, 24 September 2010 | TG4_newsletter_issue2.pdf (file) | Joberh | 2.15 MB | (2nd TG4 newsletter, September 2010) | 1 |
16:52, 16 September 2010 | Me_20091130_150x150.jpg (file) | Cw-admin | 7 KB | 1 | |
10:32, 27 August 2010 | NDMC_stations.jpg (file) | Jacobi | 43 KB | (NDMC stations) | 1 |
13:29, 10 August 2010 | Noe_Lugaz_summary.pdf (file) | Bvjackson | 61 KB | 1 | |
12:59, 4 August 2010 | Guidelines_for_CAWSES_II_grants_July_2010_v2.pdf (file) | Joberh | 44 KB | (Guidelines for CAWSES-II grants) | 1 |
12:46, 4 August 2010 | Tg_business_meeting_cospar2010_oberheide_shiokawa.pdf (file) | Joberh | 466 KB | (TG4 Overview slide shown on the TG4 business meeting in Bremen, Germany, July 22, 2010. By Oberheide/Shiokawa.) | 1 |
12:49, 6 July 2010 | Obninsk-Collm.jpg (file) | Jacobi | 606 KB | (Obninsk (55°N, 37°E) and Collm (52°N, 15°E) winter MLT zonal prevailing winds as well as their differences (blue line). The zonal wind differences at this relatively short distance is correlated with stationary planetary waves (SPW) in the stratospher) | 1 |
12:55, 8 June 2010 | TG4_NL_final.pdf (file) | Joberh | 1,023 KB | (TG4 Newsletter, Vol. 1, June 2010, edited by Michi Nishioka, STEL, Nagoya University, Japan. ) | 1 |
10:10, 7 June 2010 | Collm_winter_wind.jpg (file) | Jacobi | 353 KB | (Winter zonal prevailiong wind over Collm (52N, 15E), with piecewise linear trends.) | 1 |
17:22, 13 May 2010 | 2005-06-24_213509-GB-sm.jpg (file) | Gary.thomas | 2 KB | (Wave structures on scales of several km are often seen in noctilucent cloud and highlight the dynamical processes leading to the cold summer mesopause. (courtesy, G. Baumgarten)) | 1 |
17:17, 13 May 2010 | NLC_UK_Denmark_sm.jpg (file) | Gary.thomas | 7 KB | (A comparison of solar activity and the seasonal NLC frequency of occurrence according to reports of visual observations from the UK and Denmark.) | 1 |
17:12, 13 May 2010 | 2005-06-24_213509-GB-2005-06-24_213551-GB-sm.png (file) | Gary.thomas | 289 KB | (Noctilucent cloud display seen from Kühlungsborn, Germany, on June 24, 2005 while the sun is about 8 degrees below the horizon. (courtesy, G. Baumgarten)]] ) | 1 |
19:06, 29 April 2010 | Rmr-timeseries-small.png (file) | Gary.thomas | 26 KB | (RMR time series small) | 1 |
19:05, 29 April 2010 | Alomar-rmr-lidar-small.png (file) | Gary.thomas | 44 KB | (Small version of ALOMAR rmr lidar ) | 1 |
19:09, 24 April 2010 | Rmr-timeseries.png (file) | Gary.thomas | 142 KB | (Fig. 2: Year-to-year variability of seasonal mean NLC occurrence and altitude for two different cloud classes. The blue curves contain all measurements having a sensitivity above the long-term detection limit, whereas the green curves show results for st) | 1 |
19:04, 24 April 2010 | Alomar-rmr-lidar.png (file) | Gary.thomas | 1.02 MB | (Fig. 1: ALOMAR observatory and laser beams of the ALOMAR RMR-lidar during operation with tilted telescopes.) | 1 |
17:28, 22 April 2010 | Trend.png (file) | Lqian | 50 KB | 1 | |
17:02, 22 April 2010 | CAWSES-II_Wiki_input.pdf (file) | Lqian | 147 KB | 1 | |
18:47, 1 April 2010 | CIPSfig1.png (file) | Gary.thomas | 66 KB | (Fig. 3. Cloud Imaging and Particle Size (CIPS) image of Polar Mesospheric Clouds, taken over a 24-hr period) | 1 |
18:14, 1 April 2010 | AIMforWIKI.png (file) | Gary.thomas | 36 KB | (Fig. 2 Artist's conception of the AIM spacecraft in orbit, showing the line of sight of the SOFIE solar occultation experiment.) | 1 |
23:08, 19 March 2010 | Vqn-fig2rev.png (file) | Gary.thomas | 110 KB | (A comparison of the seasonal PMC frequency of occurrence measured by SBUV and the fit to a linear regres- sion in time and solar activity (upper panel) by latitude band and (lower panel) for all latitude bands combined between 54°N and 82°N. The er) | 1 |
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